25 May 2016

Gola Park Rangers

The government of Zangali is proud to announce that the first groups of wildlife rangers are deployed in the Gola Rainforest. They will fulfil a key role in the ongoing battle against poachers. From the elite military forces the first 27 have been selected  to be deployed in the North. They are all highly skilled men, used to operate isolated on their own. The 27 have been divided in 3 groups of 9 men and along with their bloodhounds, equipment and weapons they will be airdropped in the area where they will patrol and track down poachers. After a month they will be relieved by the next group of rangers.

Some say that this is just a publicity stunt because of the upcoming elections and improvement of foreign relations whilst others question the motives to deploy elite soldiers in the North where the recent unrest causes concern. Are these elite forces deployed to track down poachers or are they there to gather information on the local militia rebels or even kill the militia leaders. Wild speculations? maybe...

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